Rose City Raid 2019: The People

Without a doubt, it’s the people that make the Rose City Raid so much fun to run. I’m excited to do it again next year, and it’s really all these people who I am thankful for showing up and playing at the event.
While many of our players were local to the event, we still had a strong showing from Washington, California, Vancouver BC, plus a few flying across the country to come participate.
Rose City Gaming
Overall, I think everyone had a fun time, here are some smiling faces to back up that claim.
Check out the sweet prized picked up by our event winners!
Apologies to the few players that snuck away without getting their pictures taken.
Finally, us jerks who ran the whole thing! Mostly loafing around, drinking beer, and answering the occasional rules question.
That’s All Folks!
This wraps up my coverage for the Rose City Raid 2019, I hope you enjoyed reading it. I’ve already began preparations for next year’s event… I hope you’re ready for the Rose City Raid 2020!