New Years Resolution: Painting My Chaos Space Marines


Well, it's a New Year, yay!  That means over 1 full calendar year that I've had my Chaos Space Marine army and haven't painted it... BOOO! I know, I suck, but you know what?  It's all going to change.  My 2014 Warhammer resolution is going to be to paint a majority of my Chaos Space Marine army.  I wont say exactly how many points I will paint, but my goal is to be able to make several different armies with the CSM book.  To give you an idea of how many models I have though, I'll spell it out for you:

  • Abaddon the Despoiler
  • Huron Blackheart
  • Kharn the Betrayer
  • Ahriman
  • Typhus
  • Lucius the Eternal
  • Fabius Bile
  • Necrosius the Undying
  • Arkos the Faithless
  • Zhufor the Impaler
  • Be'lakor
  • Cypher
  • Chaos Lord: Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Lightning Claw
  • Chaos Lord: Mark of Nurgle, Bike, Burning Brand, Power Fist
  • Chaos Lord: Mark of Nurgle, Lightning Claw, Combi-melta
  • Chaos Lord: Mark of Slaanesh, Steed of Slaanesh, Lightning Claw, Power Fist
  • Chaos Lord: Mark of Khorne, Juggernaut of Khorne, Axe of Blind Fury
  • Sorcerer: Chaos Bike, Spell Familiar, The Last Memory of the Yuranthos
  • Sorcerer: Mark of Slaanesh
  • Sorcerer: Mark of Tzeentch
  • Sorcerer: Terminator Armour, Combi-melta
  • Daemon Prince: Daemon of Tzeentch, Power Armour, The Black Mace
  • Warpsmith
  • Dark Apostle
  • Dark Apostle
  • 5 Chosen: 5 Flamers
  • 5 Chosen: 5 Meltaguns
  • 10 Possessed
  • 5 Bringers of Despair (Abaddon's Terminators): Power Mace/Combi-melta, Sword/Combi-melta, Chainfist/H.Flamer, 2 Claws, Claw/Combi-melta
  • 5 Terminators: Mark of Khorne, 4 Power Axe/Combi-flamer, 1 Chainfist/H.Flamer
  • 5 Terminators: Combi-plasmas, 3 Axes, 1 Sword, 1 Chainfist
  • 3 Helbrutes: 2 Combat Weapons and Heavy Flamers
  • 3 Helbrutes: Missile Launchers and Autocannon
  • 3 Mutilators: Mark of Nurgle
  • Decimator: 2 Claws
  • Decimator: Claw, Soulburner Pertard
  • Decimator: 2 Storm Lasers
  • 3 Giant Chaos Spawn
  • Contemptor: Multi-melta, Chainfist, Meltagun
  • Contemptor: 2 Butcher Autocannons
  • Contemptor: 2 Power Fists with Plasma Blasters
  • 2x 10 Chaos Marines: 2 Meltaguns, in Rhinos
  • 2x 10 Chaos Marines: 2 Plasma Guns, in Rhinos with Havoc Launchers
  • 20 Chaos Marines: Mark of Khorne, 2 Meltaguns
  • 20 Chaos Marines: Mark of Slaanesh, 2 Meltaguns
  • 2x10 Thousand Sons
  • 2x5 Plague Marines: 2 Plasma Guns
  • 2x5 Plague Marines: 2 Meltaguns, Champion with Combi-meltas
  • 10 Noise Marines: 2 Blastmasters, 7 Sonic Blasters
  • 2x 5 Noise Marines: Blastmaster
  • 3x8 Khorne Berserkers
  • 30 Chaos Cultists: 3 Flamers
  • 3x10 Chaos Cultists: Autoguns
  • 2x30 Plague Zombies
  • 10 Chaos Bikers: Mark of Nurgle, 2 Meltaguns
  • 5 Chaos Spawn: Mark of Khorne
  • 5 Chaos Spawn: Mark of Nurgle
  • 10 Raptors: 2 Meltaguns
  • 5 Warp Talons
  • 3 Heldrakes
  • 3 Blight Drones
  • 2x 5 Havocs: 4 Autocannons
  • 5 Havocs: 4 Missile Launchers
  • 5 Havocs: 4 Lascannons
  • 2x3 Obliterators: Mark of Nurgle
  • 3 Forgefiends: magnetized weapon options
  • 3 Maulerfiends: magnetized upgrade options
  • 3 Chaos Landraiders: Dirge Casters and Dozer Blades
  • 3 Chaos Predators: all magnetized weapons, Havoc Launchers, plus Conversion Beamers
  • Chaos Spartan Assault Tank
  • 3 Blood Slaughterers of Khorne: Impalers
  • Khorne Lord of Skulls: magnetized weapon options
  • Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne
  • Chaos Warhound Titan: Plasma Blastgun, Vulcan Megabolter

Uhh, so yeah, I've got a bit of work ahead of me... That all comes to a bit over 21,000 points.  Ideally, if I can make a solid core of undivided, plus get 1-2 cults painted (probably Khorne + Nurgle first), then I'll be in good shape for the year.
