New Army Plog: Blood Angels The Angelic Host


Hey there so I am going to be starting up my Blood Angels army again.  I am going to be painting my army in the style of the 5th company the deamonbanes.  I wanted to go for a descent of angels list so pretty much everything drops in.  I have ordered all of the army and everything should be here in about a week or two.  Also the army will be full plastic.  For my 2000 point army it will be

Reclusiarch:  Jump pack 155

Reclusiarch:  Jump pack 155

Chaplain: Jump Pack 125

3 Sanguinary Priests: Power weapons and jump packs 270

10 Assault marines: 2 Melta guns and sergeant with Power fist 235

10 Assault marines: 2 Melta guns and sergeant with Power fist 235

10 Assault marines: 2 Melta guns and sergeant with Power fist 235

5 Death Company: jump packs 175

5 Devastators: 4 missile launchers 130

5 Devastators: 4 missile launchers 130

5 Devastators: 4 Plasma cannons 150

Total: 1995

I am still debating on using my pre-heresy missile launchers or getting the current ones.  As for bases I am going to use Forge craft Lake of sorrow mainly cause the Blood angels come from a waste land and seem to fight on alot of Wastle land battle fields.  As soon as I get my stuff in I will be sending out updates on my army.