2,000 Dark Angels, updating my list


Alright, so after getting smashed at The Kalm, I think I'm going to have to update my Dark Angel list a bit.  I like to look at my list after every game and think how I can fine tune it and get it ready for the next game.  I stubbornly refused to use any vehicles, and in retrospect, I even knew back then, it was a bad idea. In the games where I rolled at least marginally decent, the list worked well overall.  It has elements of a double wing list, but also a good core of tactical marines to camp objectives.  The new list will drop the meltabombs everywhere and the unlucky Attack Bike, in favor of some added protection for the tactical squads.

HQ Belial: Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield: 130 Interrogator Chaplain: Terminator Armor, Bolter-melta: 150

Troops 5 Terminators: all with TH/SS, Cyclone, Apothecary, Standard Bearer: 290 5 Terminators: PW/SB, 2x PF/SB, TH/SS, CF/SB/CML: 240 5 Terminators: PW/SB, 2x PF/SB, TH/SS, CF/SB/CML: 240 10 Tactical Marines: Missile Launcher, Meltagun, Sergeant with Power Weapon, in Rhino: 235 10 Tactical Marines: Missile Launcher, Meltagun, Sergeant with Power Weapon, in Rhino: 235

Fast Attack 6 Ravenwing Attack Squad: 2 Meltaguns: 240 6 Ravenwing Attack Squad: 2 Meltaguns: 240

Total: 2000

I had considered Razorbacks, but I'm not a fan of the premium that Dark Angels have to pay for them, and also the lack of weapon options.  Rhinos will allow my tac squads to work well with less support and a bit more protection, meaning I can take better advantage of Deathwing Assault with the bikes and 2 squads of termies.  Additionally, I have the flexibility of combat squadding and having a mobile meltagun.

That's the theory anyhow...